Avignon Centre station at sunset taken on voie C

Avignon Centre (Avignon)

This guide to using Avignon Centre station explains what to look out for when arriving in the city by train and has a directory of links to useful local info.


At a Glance


Step Free
Onward Travel

Taxi Rank

Avignon Centre station has old fashioned charm in abundance.
However, like many stations in France, the attempts to make the station easier to use have been somewhat disguised, so they can be less than obvious to first time users - particularly when arriving by train.

There is a passage way/subway running beneath the platforms that gives access to the main concourse, where the exit to the city centre is located.
All of the platforms/voie do have step free access to/from this concourse, most people will use the stairs, but you don't have to follow the crowd.

At the end of the passage way are an escalator, stairs and a lift/ascenceur, which all link it to the main concourse.

Though something particularly worth knowing is that a left luggage facility is seemingly not available at Avignon-Centre.

Arriving by train:

If your train arrives at voie/platform 2 at Avignon Centre station then this voie/platform is adjacent to the main concourse, so has easy access to the street.

Voie/platforms A and B have both steps down into the passage beneath the platforms AND a lift/ascenceur, which also gives access to this passage way, which leads to the exit.

If your train at arrives at voies/platforms C, D, E or 1, then there is an escalator and a lift, as well as stairs, that connect these platforms to the passage way.
However, the escalator and lift access from these voies/platforms is easy to miss, as it's out of sight in what looks like a waiting room, that's located in the middle of these platforms - all four of them share this access to/from the passage way.

To the city centre:

Avignon Centre station lives up to its name with a comparatively convenient location on the southern edge of the city centre.
The heart of the city is a 10 -15 min walk away along the street named 'Cours Jean Jaurés'.

Though some of the most popular sights in Avignon including the cathedral and the Palais De Papes, are at the opposite end of the heart of the city to Avignon Centre station.

However, two shuttle bus services operate in Avignon city centre - the Czen and Les Baladines.
The fare for either of these buses is only €0.50 per ride.
The Czen green line stops outside Avignon Centre station and stops by the Palais De Papes at 'Favarart'.

The 'Baladines 'service reaches more areas of Avignon city centre than the Czen, but it doesn't directly serve the station.
Its nearest stop is than a 3 min walk from Avignon Centre station; outside the TRCA local transport head office on Avenue De Lattre De Tassign.

An alternative to Avignon TGV station:

Avignon TGV station is more than 2km from the city centre.
So if you're heading to Avignon and will be relying on public transport on arrival - then heading to Avignon Centre station is a better option.

Good news is that at least 1 x local (TER) train per hour now makes the journey between the stations, so you don't have to absolutely rely on the bus transfers - though depending on the departure time, they can be a viable alternative to the trains.

All of the TER trains from other cities relatively close by, including Arles, Marseille, Nimes and Valence call at Avignon Centre station.

Also there are a few direct TGV trains per day from Paris to Avignon Centre.


# Jump to a direction
Journeys to Avignon Centre
Jump to directions
Barcelona to Avignon by train
Genève / Geneva to Avignon by train
London to Avignon by train
Lyon to Avignon by train
Marseille to Avignon by train
Paris to Avignon by train

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This is one of more than 100 train travel guides available on ShowMeTheJourney, which will make it easier to take the train journeys you want or need to make. As always, all images were captured on trips taken by ShowMeTheJourney.