Tag: Hungary

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Buying and using Tickets & Rail Passes in Hungary This guide will help you save money, time and confusion
A guide to European night trains
European Night Trains: the how and the where All that's good to know including the types of accommodation and how to buy and use tickets / passes...
Using Eurail and InterRail Passes - A starting point
How to use Eurail and InterRail to see Europe by train A guide to using rail passes with practical info and tips from travellling more than 30,000 km with ...
How to make international train journeys from Hungary
International trains from Hungary Summaries of how to take direct trains from Hungary to Austria, Croatia, Czechia, Germany, Poland, R...
All that's good to know about European night trains
Taking the Orient Express routes to and from Athens and Istanbul How to travel between both Athens and Istanbul and central Europe by train.
On the TGV to Spain
Travelling With Children on European Trains All that's good to know including tips for enhancing journeys and practical ticket and rail pass inf...